Favorite Boston Memories

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Driving in Boston

...and I thought Dallas drivers were bad?!?!? The drivers here take road rage to a whole new level. Here are the rules of driving, as I have experienced them thus far:

1. Honk if there is the slightest chance (a) the person in front of you doesn't move fast enough; (b) the bicycle or pedestrian near you is in your way; (c) you think the person in front of you might not see the green light when it turns green (I have actually seen a taxi do this kind of "preemptive honking"); (d) the traffic in general isn't moving fast enough for your pleasure. If the situation doesn't change, just keep your hand on the horn. That'll fix it. Alternate method: you may roll down your window and yell at someone instead of honking. This is especially effective when the other driver has his or her window rolled up and is oblivious to you.
2. If you aren't sure whether you can turn left into a busy street because of oncoming traffic, just ease slowly into the street. Traffic will stop.
3. Always take into account the other driver's braking ability. This is especially effective when you pull out in front of them.
4. Don't worry about speed limits - the minimums, I mean. It's perfectly acceptable to do 20 on a road that could easily be traveled at 35. Especially when you have just pulled out in front of someone.
5. If you are the first car waiting to turn left at a red light, you should just turn left immediately when the light turns green; the oncoming traffic will yield to you.
6. Don't pay attention to rights-of-way. Cars will yield to whoever got there first.

I really thought the honking was excessive when we first got here; now I realize you MUST use your horn because otherwise people will just crash into you. Anna and I have had many near-death experiences because of the crazy drivers here.

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